2021 UPDATE: We're running this again this year! 20% of your order value goes to Surfers against Sewage because everything we do starts with clean water. Read on below to find out more on why we do GIVE BACK FRIDAY!
So our first Black Friday is upon us. Everyone is telling us it will be our biggest day. We should slash our prices, do big promotions, shout from the rooftops about it, run naked through the streets. It all made sense on the face of it (apart from that last part). We’re a small start-up business, we need to continually grow our sales and this is an opportunity to do it. It could be our biggest day of the year some said…. Blimey.
But something inside didn’t feel right and it wasn’t the korma from the night before.
After some thought, we decided to take a look into the history of Black Friday and find out if this was something we could truly be passionate about and support. We’ll let you do the same but, in short, this is mostly a way of playing on customers’ concerns that they are missing out on a good deal – and taking advantage of it. This doesn’t fit with our values – we’re a no nonsense wine company. We give you no nonsense deals all year round, and we don’t need a ‘special’ day for that.
But, what if we could still use this day? We decided to do something different.
After some head scratching and terrible ideas, we came up with ‘Give Back Friday’. Unfortunately, we quickly realised this idea was not original, and plenty of other companies were already doing the same. But that didn’t matter. In fact, it encouraged us even more.
So, we stand true to ourselves. We have a responsibility to recognise that there are more important matters than just the start of the holiday season. There are
more people in much greater need than us. Plus, this all comes during a time when so many charitable causes are struggling. Winston Churchill summed it up in this quote, “we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”.
For every order placed this Black Friday, we will add an extra 20% ourselves after you’ve purchased and donate it to a charity. You, the customer, can choose which charity or leave it to us to decide. For full transparency we will send you a screenshot of your donation in an email in the coming days.

This is the path we choose to tread. It feels right. Let’s use this day to shout from the rooftops for another reason – a reason that could really do with some extra support right now. Welcome to #GIVEBACKFRIDAY
Let us know what you think and go well.
PS - We have even bigger plans for this in 2021. Keep watching this space.